economy, consumer, world, money, environment, people, power, violence ...
It's great that our suggestions have been accepted!
- Olympic Games, Paris, 2024, Europe, EU, France, homeless, purge, Last Supper, Jesus, Christians, war, avenge, freedom of religion, art
- The customer is king ... NOT! Amazon Prime, DAZN, Disney+, Netflix, etc. The CEO is king! The customer is beggar! Higher prices! But less of: service, picture quality, sharing, quantity + quality of films + series + sporting events!
- Von der Leyen loves Pfizer, war, Dollar Euro cash and 600 dead EUROPEAN children in the Ukraine
- 600 dead ukrainian children! Are you happy now?! RIP! Biden, Macron, Putin, Scholz, Stoltenberg, Von der Leyen, Zelenskyj
- Elon Musk, Windows sucks, update, Microsoft, Linux, spyware, dataprivacy, Intel, Avira, Zorin OS, security, exploits, requirements, error, If Else, future, freedom of choice, monopoly
Authority ambush
Diabetes costs are tax deductible. But then, the authority knows who has
diabetes and checks them for their fitness to drive!
The result: driver's license is completely gone, or limited for a very
short time!
TOP! Copyright-Madness!
A lot of companies move from
Europe to the USA (and China), because in the USA (and China), the
companies can produce more pollution. And the government
needs working people in new companies, which pay taxes ... and not
healthy people / children!
And working people can be sick, while they can pay the bills (because
the US State don't have to pay for the health care ... in Europe, the
governments pay all hospital bills, until the person dies or become
healthy again), afterwards, the ex-workers can / have to die, because
they are no more longer valuable for the state.
Economy against health? Beh, disgusting!!!
Why is Amazon so successful?
Simply: the local shops DO NOT show ALL of
their products online !!!
We informed a company, that the
Validation Code of a Credit Card is still stored in the input
field on their Homepage. The said: "Disable the function of storing the
input data in your browser." Mwahahaha! Not really client-friendly!
But few weeks ago, finally, they disabled the function of
storing the Validation Code, even if you collect the input
data in your browser.
Women's Swimming
A space of time, where only women are allowed to enter the public
swimming pool, with a female lifeguard, is very important for women!
Forum: Breast
Uplift / Enlargement Model
Dear Microsoft Team!
We need this funktion in Windows Update:
The user can say, after updating, the system shall restart. And maybe
too: after restart, the system shall move into "save energy". Because,
time is money and we have no time to wait!!!
Thanks a lot!
The Windows User
I buyed akkus in a supermarket. These were so bad! Now, I just want to
buy akkus with a good name, good test-results and in prof-markets!
Because, you also don't move to the butcher for a smartphone :-)
Blog: Adoption, same-sex couples, bullying, suicide
All external creators of images, pictures, photos etc have NOTHING to do with ZSAM.org posts!