bladder cervix prostate breast cancer, HPV vaccination
"Smoking causes not only lung and throat cancer, it is also responsible for diabetes, hypertension, cervical cancer [Whether the HPV vaccination still helps your cervix, I can't say!], prostate and bladder cancer!"
Breast implants cause an increased risk of breast cancer!!!
"HPV vaccination is very new on market. Apparently 2 girls already
died! And a young girl is now a nursing case!
When the vaccination against smallpox came out, there were also deaths
due to smallpox vaccination.
On the other hand, if you look at the measles -but it already exists
since decades!-:
Without vaccination: one in 1,000 to 20,000 dies + meningitis gets one
in 1,000 to 10,000
With vaccination: mortality rate is zero + meningitis gets one in
1,000,000 ...
It's your decision, but please on the basis of many
There is never one hundred percent certainty ..."
2015-02-19: Next year, 2016, there will be a new HPV
vaccination. Which doesn't protect only up to 70%, but even up to 90%.
We hope, that the side effects have been attenuated.
"After a long time of passive smoking
in work, my grandfather, 75 years old, got cancer in his prostate and
few years later, the dangerous Hutchinson cancer in his bladder!!!
The doctors are very proud of him, he is a successful showpiece patient,
because they removed his Hutchinson Cancer. But now, you have to ask
yourself, how much are actually died on Hutchinson!?!"
"Child dies of lung cancer, because of smoking parents!!! :-("
"Shisha is 10 times more harmful than cigarettes!!!"
"Good News! Pulmonary infarction survived and the most deadly Hutchinson
cancer of my grandfather is dead! But after many month of therapy in
hospital, they asked my grandfather, when was the last PSA test? Are
they dumb!? What has they done in the last month?! Maybe, nose
"No, kept the cost low!"
"But that's not all! Although pulse just at 30! they did no ECG and gave
him a heart pacemaker after he felled out of chair in front of his three
years young granddaughter!!!"
"New evidence that smoking kills: Brother of Camilla
Parker Bowles, Mark Shand, left house to smoke, slipped and died!"
Smoker leaves shortly his work to smoke. But he stuck for 24 hours in
swamp, near his work! Well, well, the addiction is driving one to doom
"Breast Cancer / Angelina Jolie"